european network for the study of adrenal tumors


Applications are open for the ENSAT scientific awards

11 Jul 2024 14:34 | Silviu Sbiera (Administrator)

This year the applications are open for the ENSAT scientific awards corresponding to the four established working groups of ENS@T: ACC, APA, NAPACA and PPGL.

For the ENSAT scientific awards there are for each working group 2 awards, one for a clinical paper and one for a basic science paper (so 8 in total), endowed with each 1000 €

Applicants are asked to provide:

1 - a short cover letter (250 words max) in which the candidate is stating for which of the four main categories (ACC, APA, NAPACA and PPGL) and if for the clinical or basic science award she or he is applying and elaborates what her/his paper brings new to the field

2 - a CV (max one page)

3 - a signed statement by the applicant(s) that all the other co-authors have been informed and agreed with the authors’ application

4 - published/accepted (in this case please include acceptance letter) scientific manuscript (original research, NO RVIEWS) no older then one year old considering from last years' deadline for submission (so between September 19th 2023 and September 15th 2024)

all together AS A SINGLE PDF file to

The rules for submission are:

- Applicants have to be active members of ENSAT (associated or full members with their membership paid up to date)

- Applicants can apply for only one award per year

- Research has to be carried out primarily in Europe. The scientific work has to be accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to submission. Publication should not have taken place longer than one year before application date (see above). Only original research publications (NO reviews) are allowed.

- Applicants should be within 15 years of receipt of their doctoral title (PhD or MD) at the time of application. PhD or MD students are also eligible and encouraged to apply. No more than two applicants are allowed per paper. Collaborators (e.g. co-authors of a manuscript) not applying for the award must have provided the applicants with their consent before the application (see above).

Submission are open until September 15th at midnight.

The winners will be divulged and the prize certificates will be handed over during a special session of the 2024 ENSAT Meeting in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (so the candidates have to be present at the meeting to receive the award).

We are looking forward to your applications!

In addition to the ENSAT scientific awards for the best publication in the field there will be further awards on site:

-Poster awards: poster sessions with 1 prize/session

-Oral communications prizes will also be handed out on site.

The ENSAT Executive Committee

  © ENS@T - European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors 2002 - 2012